Antivirus Inpag Final - Hallo friend FULL VERSION FREE DOWNLOAD GAMES , SOFTWARE , TEMPLATE , EBOK ETC, Sharing software on the game and this time entitled Antivirus Inpag Final, I have provided a complete game with the download link and crack. hopefully the game and software content of posts I wrote this for you can understand. Okay, here's the game and the software.
Article : Antivirus Inpag Final
article Title : Antivirus Inpag Final
Antivirus Inpag Final
Mungkin masih jarang yang mendengar atau menggunakan antivirus yang satu ini, namanya Antivirus Inpag. Mungin antivirus ini kalah populer dengan antivirus dari luar yang sudah sangat populer, tetapi antivirus ini khusus memmberantas virus yang berkeliaran di Indonesia. Antivirus Inpag adalah antivirus lokal buatan Indonesia yang memiliki keunggulan untuk membuang virus (virus, worm, malware, dll), Real Time Protection, smart alert, firewall, dan lain lain.
Fitur inpag Antivirus :
Fitur inpag Antivirus :
- Smart SCAN
- String Heuristical
- Tig 5 Siganture
- Heuristical Icon
- Heuristical IMAGE
- Ceksumer ICON
- Smart Real Time Protection
- Standar Realtime Protection
- Utilities Inpag
- Firewall Protection
- URL Block
- Folder Lock
- Exception File /Folder
- On-Screen Keyboard
- Virus Submit
- Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista or Windows 7
- 128MB of RAM
- 20MB of free disk space
- 1024×768 screen resolution or higher
- Browser Mozilla, Internet Explorer
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- Download | Antivirus Inpag Final - (6 MB)
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Article : Antivirus Inpag Final
article Title : Antivirus Inpag Final
Thus articles Antivirus Inpag Final
A few games and software Antivirus Inpag Final, hopefully can provide benefits to all of you. Okay, so the post game and software this time.
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