YouWave Android 2.1.2 Full Patch - Hallo friend FULL VERSION FREE DOWNLOAD GAMES , SOFTWARE , TEMPLATE , EBOK ETC, Sharing software on the game and this time entitled YouWave Android 2.1.2 Full Patch, I have provided a complete game with the download link and crack. hopefully the game and software content of posts I wrote this for you can understand. Okay, here's the game and the software.

YouWave Android 2.1.2 Full Patch

Sebelumnya saya pernah post YouWave Android versi 2.1.2 naah sekarang sudah rilis versi 2.1.2. YouWave Android 2.1.2 Full Patch adalah sebuah software Android simulator, yang memungkinkan kita untuk membuka, menjalankan dan memainkan aplikasi Android pada PC kita. Jadi, kita bagaikan punya ponsel Android sendiri.

Cara Install:
  1. Install Youwave_Android-2-1-2.exe
  2. Setelah install, jangan jalankan YouWave Android
  3. Copy file "Youwave.Android.v2.xxGeneric.patch-RES.exe"
  4. Paste ke Youwave_Android direktori installasi. [ "%:\Program Files\YouWave_Android" ]
  5. Run "Youwave.Android.v2.xxGeneric.patch-RES.exe" (Run as administrator for vista / 7)
  6. Klick patch
Tutorial Install Aplikasi Android:
  1. Download aplikasi ( .apk ) aplikasi untuk android
  2. Jalankan program youwave android
  3. Setelah di download, pindahkan file yg didownload tadi kedalam [ C:\Documents and Settings\(profile komputer anda)\youwave\android apps ]
  4. Kembali ke Youwave , pilih View - Redraw icons untuk memunculkan aplikasi
  5. Double klik aplikasi tersebut di sisi kiri youwave tadi
  6. Selesai

Article : YouWave Android 2.1.2 Full Patch
article Title : YouWave Android 2.1.2 Full Patch

Thus articles YouWave Android 2.1.2 Full Patch

A few games and software YouWave Android 2.1.2 Full Patch, hopefully can provide benefits to all of you. Okay, so the post game and software this time.

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