Bluetooth Driver Installer - Hallo friend FULL VERSION FREE DOWNLOAD GAMES , SOFTWARE , TEMPLATE , EBOK ETC, Sharing software on the game and this time entitled Bluetooth Driver Installer, I have provided a complete game with the download link and crack. hopefully the game and software content of posts I wrote this for you can understand. Okay, here's the game and the software.
24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days of the year without any hidden costs and annual license fee. Completely FREE!
Smart Bluetooth Marketing can receive files from your customers, that may be requests, claims, suggestions, photos or anything else they wish.
Smart Bluetooth Marketing holds a database of all it's activities. You can get detailed statistics on how many messages was sent, accepted or rejected, how many people and what devices was in range during any period of time. Export statistics to Microsoft Excel for further analysis.
Article : Bluetooth Driver Installer
article Title : Bluetooth Driver Installer
Bluetooth Driver Installer
Saya yakin nggak ada KSholic yang nggak tau yang namanya Bluetooth, teknologi jaman sekarang didukung oleh Bluetooth, yang berfungsi untuk mentransfer data dari PC ke Hp, Hp ke Hp dan seblaiknya, ketika kita akan mentransfer data dari Hp ke PC menggunakan Bluetooth maka, [ada PC tersebut harus ada software yang bernama Bluetooth Driver Installer, software ini berfungsi untuk memanage deteksi Bluetooth dari Hp yang terdeterksi oleh PC, jadi nanti akan bisa diatur oleh kita, melalui Bluetooth Driver Installer tersebut. mohon maaf screenshoot tersebut saya ambil dari Website Bluetooth Driver Installer, karena PC saya belum beres. dan pada website aslinya hanya menampilkan screenshoot dari versi oke langsung aja.!
Homepage :
Screenshoot :
Features :
Smart Bluetooth Marketing automatically sends promotional and advertising messages, business cards, event notifications to the mobile phones and all other Bluetooth-enabled devices within a range of 10 - 100 meters. You can provide your customers with news, special offers, flyers, discount coupons, multimedia files, java games and other types of media.Homepage :
Screenshoot :
24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days of the year without any hidden costs and annual license fee. Completely FREE!
Smart Bluetooth Marketing can receive files from your customers, that may be requests, claims, suggestions, photos or anything else they wish.
Smart Bluetooth Marketing holds a database of all it's activities. You can get detailed statistics on how many messages was sent, accepted or rejected, how many people and what devices was in range during any period of time. Export statistics to Microsoft Excel for further analysis.
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- Download [1,41 MB]
Article : Bluetooth Driver Installer
article Title : Bluetooth Driver Installer
Thus articles Bluetooth Driver Installer
A few games and software Bluetooth Driver Installer, hopefully can provide benefits to all of you. Okay, so the post game and software this time.
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