Fishing simulator 2 - Hallo friend FULL VERSION FREE DOWNLOAD GAMES , SOFTWARE , TEMPLATE , EBOK ETC, Sharing software on the game and this time entitled Fishing simulator 2, I have provided a complete game with the download link and crack. hopefully the game and software content of posts I wrote this for you can understand. Okay, here's the game and the software.

Fishing simulator 2

 Suka nonton mancing mania kan.? hehe, pasti pengen nyoba rasanya mancing ikan-ikan besar itu gimana.! setelah saya googling ternyata nemu deh di website, namanya Fishing simulator 2, game ini dibuat khusus buat penghobi mancing yang tidak dapat merealisasikan minatnya utnuk memancing ikan-ikan besar. Dalam game ini anda bisa mengulur umpan, strike, pokoknya bagaikan mancing beneran. Dan latar belakang tempat mancing juga seperti pada aslinya, keren kaan.! dan juga ada suara-suara burung berkicau, semakin manambah asi suasana. Saya juga sering main game ini, seru loh.. kadang ikannya susah banget dutarik, jadi menambah adrenalin. Langsung aja.!

Screenshoot :

Year: 2010
Genre: Simulation
Developer: Purple Hills
Publisher: Purple HillsTip publication: License
Language: German
Language: German

Realistic water effects distinguish this Fishing simulator 2. Photorealistic graphic, bird singing, and dynamic water all you need for recreation fishing session. Angels in lakes, rivers and ponds, and choose from 50 different locations around the world, your favorite place.

• 50 different scenarios
• Photo realistic environment
• To catch many different fish species
• Background Music Play

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Article : Fishing simulator 2
article Title : Fishing simulator 2

Thus articles Fishing simulator 2

A few games and software Fishing simulator 2, hopefully can provide benefits to all of you. Okay, so the post game and software this time.

You're reading an article Fishing simulator 2 and this article is a url permalink Hopefully this article This can be useful.

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