Notepad++ 5.9 - Hallo friend FULL VERSION FREE DOWNLOAD GAMES , SOFTWARE , TEMPLATE , EBOK ETC, Sharing software on the game and this time entitled Notepad++ 5.9, I have provided a complete game with the download link and crack. hopefully the game and software content of posts I wrote this for you can understand. Okay, here's the game and the software.
Article : Notepad++ 5.9
article Title : Notepad++ 5.9
Notepad++ 5.9
Berbeda dengan notepad original bawaan Windows, notepad ++ adalah text editor yang dikhususkan untuk mengedit unicode seperti html, php, css, javascript dan kode-kode sejenisnya. Cara kerja dari software ini hampir sama seperti Dreamweaver, namun notepad ++ harus digunakan secara manual, berbeda dengan Dreamweaver yang bisa diinstall plugin, extension dan sebagainya. Karena ukurannya yang tidak terlalu banyak memakan space harddisk, software ini sering digunakan oleh theme developer dan web developer untuk mengerjakan project-nya. Pengeditan tema Koran Software juga di kerjakan dengan software ini. Untuk melihat tampilan penuh dari notepad ++ ini.
Screenshoot :
Screenshoot :
Notepad++ v5.9 new features and fixed bug (from v5.8.7):
- Update Scintilla from 2.21 to 2.25.
- New feature: Non-greedy regular expression (Scintilla).
- Add Copy/Cut/Paste Binary Content feature.
- Add "paste HTML content" and "paste RTF content" commands.
- Fix the inverse of title and message for some MessageBox.
- Add "Remove Unmarked Lines" command.
- Add "Column Mode Tip" to notice users the usage of column mode in Notepad++.
- Make stream comment foldable in php/javascript.
Included plugins (Unicode):
- Spell Checker v1.3.3
- NppFTP 0.23
- NppExport v0.2.8
- Compare Plugin
- Plugin Manager
- Converter 3.0
Included plugins (ANSI):
- TextFX v0.25
- NppExec v0.4.1
- Spell Checker v1.3.3
- MIME Tools v1.6
- NppExport v0.2.8
- Light Explorer v1.6
- Compare Plugin 1.5.5
- Plugin Manager
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Article : Notepad++ 5.9
article Title : Notepad++ 5.9
Thus articles Notepad++ 5.9
A few games and software Notepad++ 5.9, hopefully can provide benefits to all of you. Okay, so the post game and software this time.
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